Saturday, July 30, 2011

二女旅行 (一)


3/6/2011 - Kuala Lumpur
到的第一天晚上,我们做了巴士到了KL Central 等我表姐和表姐夫接我们回他们家睡一晚。隔天一早就转机去Penang了。真的很兴奋。

1Utama bus station to LCCT

On line while waiting for flight

4/6/2011 - Penang
到了~我深深的吸了一口气。哇,空气真好啊!对这里一见钟情了。第一天,我们住在Batu Ferringhi 的一家5 stars的酒店(Holiday Inn - SeaView)美呆了!因为价钱很贵所以我们只住一晚。我们超珍惜这一晚的!为了奖励自己的勇气和胆量我们去了酒店的高级餐厅享受顶尖的美食!棒极了!

我的mango jiuce

她的orange juice


我的cheese bake rice
过后我们回房间把不比要的东西放下准备走街shopping了!为了安全我们不带包包,把钱和电话都带在身上。走着走着,来了一群angmo lang跟我打招呼跟我说话还赞我呢!我的朋友便帮我和他们拍照留念。这么多帅哥我站在旁边好害羞哦。我的朋友紧张到拍照都在发抖。好多张都不能用了。哈哈


Lounge or cafe?


Sunday, July 24, 2011


23/7/2011 - Sunrise Shooting at Taman Lalu Lintas Kuching

I woke up early in the morning by 5am!  But actually I dint sleep for the whole night.  I went out for limteh with friend till 3am++ and I get a bath and is already around 4am! I rest for 1 hour on bed but dint fall asleep and get up to prepare for sunrise shoot by 5.30am with NgeeJee, Davy and Chris.

Those are the photos I shoot using my Sony Ericsson Vivaz (8.1 megapixel).


Beautiful Sunrise of Kuching

Shoot by SE Vivaz

Just like Chris want to kidnap Davy

and this time Davy take reverage to kidnap the dog

♥ the red bridge

Snap By me too 

same by SE Vivaz

Davy, what are you up to?

Well.....can you imagine that I dint sleep for the whole night yet I can stand so energized to shoot till 2pm in the afternoon with Davy.  Unfortunately, NgeeJee leave early in the morning to pick his wife for breakfast.

Shoot By NgeeJee
Shoot by Davy Choo